If we're friends on Facebook or you follow me on Twitter, you already know that on Tuesday, 150 Blackbaud employees were laid off. One of those employees was yours truly. I can't say that I was totally shocked, as there had been some changes over the past few months. Blackbaud acquired Convio and there was a lot of restructuring. Apparently they got in over their heads and restructuring meant layoffs. I just can't believe 150 people were affected -- around 50 of us being from headquarters.
While yes, this is frightening, because I will have to find a new job, I'm not scared enough to let it get me down. I know these things happen for a reason, one of which is so that I can find something that is better suited to my passions and skill sets. I did enjoy my position at Blackbaud, but I wasn't working to my full potential or in a place to grow. And I know that I can do that. Something so much better is right around the corner, and during this transition I will stay positive that it will come my way very soon.
My good friend and her fiancé also worked at headquarters -- she made the cut, but he did not. Soon after leaving the office, she asked if I wanted to come drink some champagne with them. That was an obvious yes. I think we all needed some bubbly to chill out. The irony? We drank out of Blackbaud glasses. ;) Gotta stay humorous.
That evening, Danielle came right over with presents. She is an angel. She brought me wine, a pickle-shaped wine stopper, hot sauce, candy, movies, magazines, books, and the biggest wine glass I've ever seen. It's so huge that it can be filled with an entire bottle of wine.
This afternoon, Eric was kind enough to take me to lunch at Puree. He had the Deep South Sandwich and I had the Jalapeño Cheddar Burger. Good food is a great distraction!
The outpouring of support I have already received from family, friends, and even strangers has been downright amazing. Those of you who have reached out to me are truly special people and I am so grateful that you're in my life, however that may be. Nobody likes difficult situations; it's human nature to reject change. But when you know in your heart that the change will bring you to a better place, you have to sit back and watch it happen with a smile.