1. We’ve brought Uncrustables out on the boat a couple times and they’ve been quite a hit. Did you know they just came out with a new flavor? PB & Raspberry on Whole Wheat. Raspberry is my favorite jelly, so this really excites me.
But what’s more exciting is that I found (and won!) a “Press ‘N Seal” ebay! Yep, Pampered Chef makes this nifty tool. Imagine all the possibilities! I’m going to be eating homemade Uncrustables all Summer!
2. Last Friday I told you I had purchased an exercise ball to sit on at work. Rachel, my friend who sits next to me, also bought one! We’ve been bouncing nonstop. I swear, with good music, it really increases our productivity.
Our backs and bums thank us!
3. Bored in traffic on the way to/from work? Channel your inner Boding and read my blog on e-reader!
4. Danielle discovered this candy bar at Trader Joe’s. Who’s tried it?
5. Big Girls Small Kitchen’s post on how to streamline halving cherry tomatoes: