Jun 28, 2012

The Friday Five–Birthday Style!

On Saturday I will be turning…older. You can just pick a number.

1. What I’m Reading: My grandparents sent me The Glamour of Grammar for my birthday. I love it!

Brief description: This widely praised practical guide demonstrates everything from the different parts of speech to why effective writers prefer concrete nouns and active verbs. Above all, Clark teaches readers how to master grammar to perfect their use of English, to instill meaning, and to charm through their writing. In a world where we communicate more and more through emails and text messages, how you use language matters--even in 140 characters.

2. What I’m Listening to: I guess this kind of makes sense for my birthday. Okay, not at all. Maybe? Regardless, I love the song.

3. What I’m Eating: Well obviously I’ll be inhaling this Carrot Cake that Kinsey’s making for Saturday. That’s actually her in this pic! : )

4.  Pic I’m Loving: This picture is from 25 years ago. It’s like an ancient artifact!DSC_0432

5. GIFs I’m Loving:


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