I love a lot of things this week! Weeeee!
1. I’m terrible at home decorating. This is the one Cancer trait I don’t possess. Out of curiosity, I took this style quiz to see what my home design personality was. I was not at all surprised by the results.
2. Amanda and I both had last Friday off, so we went to Black Bean Co. and split two wraps. On left: South West Chicken wrap (chicken, black beans, jasmine rice, sweet corn, roasted tomatoes, chipotle sauce, carrots, parmesan cheese, mixed greens). On right: Almost Summer wrap (chicken, mandarin oranges, goat cheese, candied almonds, rice noodles, arugula, raspberry citrus vinaigrette). The Almost Summer is a new fave!
3. Have you ever noticed that Publix puts the most random assortment of goods on sale? I couldn’t help but make a comical display out of a few of them. 
Then I thought, what the heck? I guess I should try making matzo ball soup if this mix is on sale. Into the basket it went! #Jewstina
4. Eating at Ali Baba on Sundays has become a ritual for Boding and me. Before he got to my apartment last Sunday, I posted a sign on my door, proposing our dinner plans.
As the picture shows below, he said yes. I wish Ali Baba was a real person so I could date the heck out of him.
5. Amanda and I have always run a couple times a week, but after 3ish miles, we’re like “Where’s the food?” Suddenly, we’re addicted. We ran 4 miles on Saturday, 5 miles on Sunday, and then Tuesday evening we just kept going…until we hit 6.5 miles. 
We were kind of delirious after, unsure if we were hungry, dizzy, going to vom, laugh, cry, or pass out. We were both so excited though. Runner’s high is a real thing y’all. Here we are after our run on Sunday, playing tourists at Waterfront Park.
6. Last but not least, I bought the iPhone 5 on Friday and I love it like my first born (that I don’t even have). I love Siri and telling her what to do, like call me Xteeny because Christina is just too formal for this kind of love.
I’ve downloaded a silly amount of apps already.

Take the decorating style quiz, send me a matzo ball soup recipe, and tell me your favorite iPhone apps. Please! :)