Jun 24, 2011

Happy Birthday, Margaret!


Since we have been friends, we’ve had an unbelievable amount of fun.

We’ve danced with swords on more than one occasion:pirates168994_815143643568_12713393_43799876_3465676_n

We’ve worn horrible sunglasses at night:190037_974824586621_7021227_49437120_2743725_nDSC01858

We’ve dressed up in ridiculous costumes:181952_951933660221_7021227_49062729_6354814_n7521_630980128814_21301311_37184048_3546098_n

We’ve consumed way too many drinks…some delicious and nutritious:DSC_0300

and some downright disgusting:IMG_4934

You’ve helped me be a good blogger, despite us dropping this cake:DSC_0461

Remember this cake that was originally meant for our ex-boyfriends but turned into a “Bestie Cake?” Sorry boys, our love was stronger! Ha.DSC_2008

You helped me (semi) understand football, which is still shocking to most people:DSC01998

I showed you my love for Chick-fil-A, DSC01855

and you showed me your love for ice cream.DSC01857

We celebrated Auburn winning the National Championship,bestiesforlife

and me winning Charleston’s Best local blog.bw

We’ve had lots of smiles…249604_10100247333373801_7021227_50320702_4759740_n

but even better were the times we laughed so hard that our eyes rolled back in our head:47504_865700547071_7021227_46964008_7570417_n

I promise to always let you squish my face…DSC_2507

and be the “big sister” you never had.DSC_0181

THANK YOU for being an amazing friend: listening to me cry, bringing me soup when I am sick, telling me when I’m acting coocoo, but most of all, BEING SO MUCH FUN!!

Can’t wait to for our birthday party tomorrow! XOXO!!