Mar 15, 2012

Ode to the Intern

Since last year, the Blackbaud Communications Team has been blessed with the greatest intern. Sean, a student at George Washington University who is also from Charleston,  began working for our team last Summer and came back during Winter and Spring Break. He and I immediately bonded, and although he never directly reported to me, he became “my intern.” I claimed him as my own, taking him under my wing like a little brother.

Sean is:

  • intelligent – He is a double major at GWU (Information Systems & Technology Management) and is the V.P. of Operations of his fraternity, ZBT
  • creative – He designed my current blog header!
  • generous – He brought me brownies on my birthday (okay, okay, his mom made them.)
  • patient – He put up with me asking a billion questions about the Jewish religion and finally directed me to this hysterical video.
  • hilarious – When I was working from home on Monday, he redecorated my wall:. Click to zoom!IMAG1947

The best part is the mood board on which I can “update my status” with the adjective post-it notes he made.

During the short time we worked together…

We would swap baked goods regularly. And by swap I mean I baked and he brought in his mother’s baking for me:

(Thanks for the biscotti, Mama Lynch!)

We  loved going to Publix on our lunch break for extremely random assortments of food. We are both weird eaters with even weirder cravings.

Summer Break:

Spring Break:IMAG1911

Nothing about those lunches make sense. :) Maybe the chocolate.

We worked at Chick-fil-A on remote days:photo3

And we loved preppy photo shoots.

Summer Break:

Winter Break:seanxtina

Spring Break:DSC00248

Sean, it has been a pleasure to work with you, and it’s a shame that today was your last day! I’m so grateful we’ll be in constant contact and that you’ll be back in Charleston soon. Can’t wait for Seder!

Readers: Are you friendly with your coworkers?

Who is your favorite coworker and why?