Jan 19, 2011

Oh, The Joys of Being Single.

You guys remember Ashley right? She’s my friend who I go to the gym/babe-hunting with all the time. She recently became single and our adventures thus far have been quite entertaining. And by entertaining, I mean for us…and everyone else within a 10-foot radius. A typical weekday for us involves babe hunting, inhaling food at warp speeds, and then some other unusual activity.

After tonight’s gym session, we drove over to Chick-fil-A for a protein fix. A chargrilled chicken sandwich, fruit cup, and diet lemonade is my favorite post-workout treat. Well, that, or Greek yogurt. While dining at this fine establishment, Ashley showed me the “care package” that her ex-boyfriend’s mom sent her. The package included three self-help books and pepper spray. Interesting right? We had a therapy session over dinner.jesuslovesusthirstyLike my pretty carnation? Those are on every table. Unfortunately this past Summer, I learned that you’re not supposed to steal them. I had  been committing some major sins trying to prettify my hair until Rick informed me otherwise. Don’t worry, I put the carnation back in the vase.

After we finished eating, my 5-year-old self asked for a balloon. I’m really not sure why I wanted one. I think I just like asking for stuff and hearing “yes.” That’s not healthy. What’s worse are these next two pictures.

Instead of showing off our balloons, we showed off our biceps. bicepsbiceps2

We weren’t getting much out of the books that ex-mama sent us, so we booked it over to Barnes & Noble. Pun intended. Normal girls browse the fashion magazines or the fiction section. Abnormal girls head straight to the self-help section. You’d be surprised at the books  you can find! ineedhelpI happen to think that I am a pro at dating, so I found myself much more intrigued with this book: The Game: Penetrating the Secret Society of Pickup Artists.photo

Over the next hour or so, Ashley and I became so empowered as single women that we’re pretty much destined to be single for the next year. Or two weeks, you just never know.

We both left Barnes & Noble with a copy of the same book: This book is going to be SO good. We barely skimmed it and were cracking up. It covers how to not dress like a tramp, technology etiquette, how to host a party, travel on the cheap, being a BFF and not a backstabber, and many other topics relevant to being a sassy yet classy lady. I can’t wait to read it and give you all a full review!

I also picked bought this:I’ve seen this book a billion times, but today it was in the bargain section for $6.98. A steal!

And while we’re discussing awesome books, I highly recommend this book for anyone who is going through a break-up. It’s a brutally honest and humorous guide to getting out of that post break-up funk and moving onto better things!

Have you read any of these three books? Do you recommend any other similar books on becoming more of a bad ass?


  1. Hope I won't need the Break-Up book but let me know how you like "Classy!" Sounds entertaining.

  2. Haha I love the pics of you guys relaxing in the bookstore! Diet lemonade is the best:)

  3. I have to admit I bought "It's called a Breakup Because It's Broken" a few years ago after a really bad break-up and it was awesome! The author is hilarous and so blunt which is perfect for a breakup book (my roommate didn't agree but whateverrr). Hilarious pictures and I love the care package your friend got that is AWESOME-haha!

  4. I have never read any of those books, but I really want some Chick-fil-A now!

  5. oh my gosh, I love this post!! I REALLY wish this post was here back in 2005 when my ex dumped me...I needed all those books!!!

  6. I am absolutely DYING that the ex-boyfriend's mom sent self-help books to her! Geez... I may have sent them back. :p

  7. You reading "dating for dummies" just made my morning...and it's an early one.


  8. and I know you were at chickfila in the first picture when I saw the seat pattern. I read *men are from mars women are from venus* this summer. Still single at a school with a 70% male ratio... oh the joy :)

  9. haha- you two are so funny. I love that you got balloons :)

  10. Girl, ya'll are making me sad about my arm muscles. Ya'lls are rocking! Haven't read any of those but can't wait for you to dish about the details. Chick Fila + Barnes and Nobles sounds like a pretty good night. Oh and why in the world did Ashley's ex-boyfriend's mom send her a care package post break-up? That is crazy!

  11. I have not read any of them-but I want to be a bad ass! haha...LOVE your single posts-it's like a reality show!

  12. this is hilarious. What an interesting care package indeed. She should have added in some mani/pedi gift cards or somethings.
    I wanted to read that YOU book. Keep us posted on how it is.
    Love that diet lemonade from Chick-fil-a

  13. I am definitely going to have to search out Classy! Looks like a good read in between text books.

  14. I have read It's Called a Break Up Because It's Broken. Loved it. Totally pushed me out of the breakup funk into reality. I think it's way better than He's Just Not That Into You.

  15. I cannot recomend the book, "Why Men Love Bitches" enough. Changed my life!

  16. Haven't read any of those books but I love it when books are on sale for so cheap!

  17. My mom gave me that Classy book for christmas. My roomie and I took all the quizzes and found out that we are, in fact, classy ladies.

  18. i like how that one book has "penetrating" in the title. b/c i'm a 13 year old boy with a large vocab.

  19. Okay that's kind of weird that an ex's mom sent her a care package - no judgement, but still...

    I love those workout shorts - I have the same ones (I think) from Old Navy!

  20. look like yall had a great time! and that's what it's all about (single or not)!! live it up!

  21. Is her son a threat? Why the pepper spray? LOL

  22. This entire post is hilarious. Especially the care package. What in the world?

  23. Haha I read "It's Called a Break-Up..." (I loved "He's Just Not That Into You Too") - you're right, it really is brutally honest and humorous! It definitely helped me move on :) I want a balloon too...

  24. Let me know how you like it when you finish!! =) I always need new books to read! =)

    My favorite single-girl relationship book was "Why Men LOVE Bitches" My now-husband and then-ex-boyfriend was in for a rude awakening when I stopped treating him like gold. lol. random, I know!

    Jenn @ Peas & Crayons

  25. Hahaha, I love your posts!

    I saw that Classy book at Urban a few weeks ago and couldn't put it down. I think it might be my Amazon purchase from that Living Social deal yesterday.

  26. Oh my gosh, I used to be oddly obsessed with the self-help section- hahah! :)
    And the Jesus book... a girl I went to lunch with yesterday was carrying the SAME one. Crazy.

    Although I'm happily married, there is something very empowering about the 'newly' single feeling... tell your friend to LIVE IT UP :)

  27. I never knew there were book about those things..maybe I should keep a few on hand and magically present them to the lonely girls I see..I'll be like Mary Poppins!

  28. Oh, I just read the comment above my first one and I agree..I'm happily married but sometimes it was so exciting to "dream" of your future husband..now I have him so its all good :)

  29. this entire post is today's reason why i love you, hahaha.

    1. i might want to read the classy book on my trip to CA next month...let me know how it is and if i should pick it up!
    2. my mother, in all her infinite sarcastic wisdom, bought me both "he's just not that into you" and "it's called a breakup b/c it's broken" WHILE I WAS STILL DATING AN EX. i still tell her how mean that was to this day, but...she was right. damn her.

  30. I might have to make a trip to the B&N during lunch just for the Classy book. Wish I would've known about the break up book in August!

  31. My mom bought me Dating for Dummies two years ago when I started dating my ex-boyfriend. Seriously... what the fudge, ma?! Clearly the book didn't help because we broke up a year later...Haha.

    Classy looks like a fun read!

  32. I can say that I've never seen any of those books--but they all look like fun reads!! :)

  33. You are HILARIOUS! This whole thing is so funny-- it all started with the carnation @ Chick fil a. I could NOT stop laughing...and then laying on the floor @ Barnes & Noble?! The care package from the ex boyfriend's Mother. (what in the world did your friend think!?!?!) I really wish you lived closer...I would seriously want to hang out with you all of the time! I swear you can make a fun evening out of everything :)

  34. You are your friend are too cute!

    I haven't read any of those books, but in the past I did read "He's just not that into you"..the book was great...I thought the movie was sorta lame..

  35. I am so looking for that classy book next time I'm at Borders!

  36. that is crazy your friends ex's mom sent her that stuff!

    You girls need your own show, for realz! You are so funny! Love the pic of u witht the dating books, lol!

    I must come in to visit, Im not single but I know how to have fun ! Muah!

  37. As Christina's partner in crime, I would like to say that I do not think it could be possible for me to enjoy single life as much as I am without Christina, secondly.. I think it may be time for me to begin my own blog.. there are just things the world needs to know.

    Also, the pepper spray is not for my ex, but for nighttime safety walking alone downtown.. and all of these books will be sold on Amazon! I can buy my own self-help books (OBV) hahaha

  38. Y'all are a hoot! I can't believe her ex-bf's mom sent her a care package.

  39. Hahaha, you two are so cute!!

    I have not read any of this books, however I do have a mean bicep like you two lovely ladies :)

    Have a fab day!


  40. Dang! Look at those biceps!

  41. Okay I REALLY want the Classy book. Sounds awesome. I read "It's called a breakup because it's broken" my senior year of high school and actually didn't love it. I honestly believe that when your heart is truly broken, no book can help. You're on your own till you decide to suck it up and get over it!

  42. I just FREAKED when I saw you reading The Game!!! I dated a guy that LIVED BY that book! I wish I could say that it doesn't work...But I totally got "gamed." It's a WIERD story, too long for a comment on a blog.

  43. I love the way you formed that question lmho. I havent read any of those books, but no doubt they'd make you feel like a supa bad ass girl. ;)

  44. LOL! That's the funniest "care package" I've ever heard of! Self help books & pepper spray! LOL! Awesome.

  45. Haha that's such an... interesting care package for your friend's ex's mom to send her. Pepper spray?? Really?

    I love the sounds of that Classy book!

  46. You are hilarious! I am single too!!! I have never read a book or even thought about reading books on dating! Very funny!!!

    PS: I tagged you in a Stylish Blogger Award on my page! congrats

  47. I can't wait to hear how Classy is! I NEED it!

  48. AHHHHH!!! YOU ARE SO GORGEOUS!!! Best post-workout treat ever!!! LOVE the bookstore photos. Seriously, adorable. I read, "It's called a break-up because it is broken." I loved it:) That is weird that her ex's mom sent that care package with pepper spray ha! You guys look like so much fun, I want to come hang out.

  49. Soooo what if I trade you- your copy (yes I said your copy because I still have it) of It's Called a Breakup Because It's Broken for your copy of Classy.... yes of course you can read it first! XOXO Can't wait for adventures of being single part 134865286923576542870 tomorrow night!!!!!!

  50. Ive read the "Its called a breakup because its broken". Its so funny, and as you read it you realize you may or may not relate to it! I also want to read "Why men love bitches!"

  51. Good looking books!! I haven't read any of them, but they look helpful :) Comedy is the best medicine, right?!

  52. You are pretty amusing, I especially like the picture where you are laying on the floor in B&N haha.

  53. Yall are too cute!! Can I come be your best friend and work out and eat chick-fil-a and go to bookstores with you?! =P

  54. Love it! I can't believe her ex's mom sent her a package...and with pepper spray? Was that to use on the ex? Or to fight off all the men hitting on you guys in the bookstore?

    Seriously, it's great to have fun friends to be single with. You guys are very lucky.

  55. This comment has been removed by the author.

  56. Moments like these are such a great reminder of how much fun being single can be!

  57. Cute post girl! And Wichita Falls NEEDS a chick-fil-a pronto! I totally realize this every time I read your blog :)

  58. Yep, I'm also reppin MA down here in the south. Or at least the four years I spent there during college. Thanks for the almond butter recommendation btw...you were spot on!

  59. I could get lost in bookstores...and I don't even particularly like to read that much. There's just something about all the pretty books.

    I will def. pick up classy though, that sounds hilarious!

  60. I'm a brand new follower!

  61. Chick-fil-a always has the hottest guys around. Now most of them are dads..who probably have wives, but who said you can't look??

  62. LOVEEEE! you're a riot. my kind of night.

    i can't believe your friends ex's mom sent that package. um, thanks? hahaha.

  63. You two are too cute! I love the pics with the balloons! Hilarious!

    I haven't read any of those books...Classy sounds hilarious!

  64. You always make me feel better about being single haha! At least you can be humorous about it :-)

  65. I've been super busy and I've neglected reading your blog. Poor decision. Glad I'm back on the saddle

  66. Wow since you read The Game you'll know all the sleazy secrets dudes are going to use to try to pick you up.
