I had a very typical Xtina moment with the icing. I got distracted by the oven timer and dripped it all over the counter. Oopsies!
The cookies came out wonderfully but the icing really made them. Amanda stopped by for a a couple during her study break and then I sent her home with 6. : ) I hope they help her get an A+ on her test!
I brought a bunch to the gym for my guinea pigs/gym boyfriends to test. Justin P, Mike, Phillip and Ashley loved them…
but NY Justin, Noah, and Dave didn’t love the texture. And I quote, “They need to be harder.” I kept my mouth shut, but thought, “TWSS.”
After about an hour of working out but mostly socializing, NY Justin, Mike, and I went to “Grimy Wednesday” spin class. “Grimy Wednesday” = spinning to dirty rap. I almost lost it when “Doe Boy Fresh” by Three 6 Mafia came on. If you haven’t heard that song, click here. GHETTO.
An hour of dirty dancing on a bike really worked up an appetite, so Justin and I went to Whole Foods for pizza. I called in a cheese pizza for Xtina. They took me seriously. I’ll forgive them for the unnecessary hyphen.
They also had BEETZA!
This was our pizza. Large and in charge.
Justin folds his pizza to eat it. I eat mine crust first. How do YOU eat it?
This pizza was a celebration pizza!! More details to come